Nehemiah 2; 4:1-9

The actual account of a Jewish slave who served as the king of Persia’s cupbearer and set out to restore Jerusalem’s walls is told in the book of Nehemiah. However, this historical narrative is far more than just a fabrication. Plans to assist us repair the crumbling walls in our own world can be found in Nehemiah

Rebuilding the broken walls means restoring the foundational values, which over the years have been eroded or lost, due to our shift in emphasis. The resultant effect of having a broken wall is too grave for anyone to toy with. Wall signifies fortification, defense, security and protection. If your walls are broken down you are exposed to danger, you are no longer fortified. 

When your moral walls are broken you lost moral will and moral strength. Many people are living in perpetual state of immorality today because their defense and will have been destroyed. Many have become so helpless, they habitually steal. The wall of virtue for many has been destroyed; the walls of finances have been broken, the wall of spirituality has been broken and many have become the prey of the enemy. If this generation must win eternity we must go back to the drawing board and work towards reconstruction and rebuilding.


Beloved, if we must rebuild our broken walls today we must look at what Nehemiah did; there are some strategies used that are very essential in our time.

1. WE MUST CARRY OUT SELF INTROSPECTION: When Nehemiah came to Jerusalem he was there for three days and he got up at the middle of the night and inspected the walls of Jerusalem. Beloved in Christ, we too must look for that quiet moment and go into our hearts; examine your original state and place in God; examine how you lived your life when you newly found Christ and see where the errors have entered from. An unexamined life is not worth living.

2. WE MUST FAST AND PRAY: As soon as Nehemiah learned that Jerusalem, his hometown, was in ruins. It had been surrounded by walls that had been torn down. The gates to the city were on fire. The populace was defenseless against marauders that prowled the countryside and carried out robberies and thefts (Neh.1:1-3). According to verse 4 of the Bible, Nehemiah knelt down and cried, mourned for days, and prayed and fasted before the Lord of heaven. First, anyone who wishes to mend their broken walls must fast and pray. We strongly encourage the use of ardent, consistent prayer in the process of repairing our damaged walls (Neh. 1:4) 

3. READY FOR OPPOSITION: In Neh.4:1 the Bible says “when Sanballat heard that we were building the wall, he was angry and greatly enraged, and he mocked the Jews.” No good idea goes unopposed! In verse 7and 8 the bible says when they heard that they were repairing the walls and were making progress Sanballat and his people were angry and they plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem and to cause confusion in it. In Verse 9 the Bible says Nehemiah and his people prayed and set a guard as a protection against them day and night. Sir.2:1 says “My son, if you come forward to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for temptation. Set your heart right and be steadfast, and do not and do not be hasty in time of calamity. We must be ready to face persecution. 

 4. YOU MUST BE DETERMINED: These people were dedicated to do what God called them to do – protect their hometown. They could not be sidetracked by attacks from without or from within. They had to be a people with “a mind to work!” what kind of mind do we have? Are we determined to finish up a course?  


5. HAVE THE RIGHT PARTNERS: Nehemiah’s volunteers were determined to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls. 1Cor.15:33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good character.”

6. STUDY THE BIBLE: The Bible is our rule and guide; at funeral we are reminded; but during our life time we hardly would make reference to it. Earthly life is filled with distraction we need knowledge of his word to cause transformation. Prov. 19:2 it is not good for a soul to be without knowledge; Dan.11:32 says they who know their God shall do exploit. This implies that if you don’t know your God you shall be exploited. Many Christians are exploited today because they don’t know their God.

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai

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