1. God instructs Moses to bless the people in his name (Numbers 6:22-27). Using his words on this first day of the year 2023; may the Lord will bless you and keep you! The Lord will make his face to shine upon you! The Lord will be gracious to you and your household! The Lord uncover his face to you and bring you peace. This is your year and season and you will shine through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen 

2. Today the Church celebrates the solemnity of Mary the “Mother of God”. This is the greatest title of Mary. It was termed “Theotokos” in Greek which means “The God-bearer”. By conception and delivery of the God made man, Mary is celebrated as the Mother of God. If we believe that Jesus is God then Mary is the Mother of God (Luke 2:16-21).

3. On this day the Church also celebrates the 56th World Day of Peace. In his message for the World Day of Peace 2023 titled; “No one can be saved alone.” Pope Francis lamented over the crises of the past few years; the Darkness of the Covid-19 pandemic; Man-made wars between Russia and Ukraine; he equally decried that while a vaccine has been found for Covid-19, suitable solutions have not yet been found for the war. “Certainly, the virus of war is more difficult to overcome than the viruses that compromise our bodies, because it comes, not from outside of us, but from within the human heart corrupted by sin.” Pope Francis said. 

4. As a way forward, Pope Francis calls us to have a change of heart, work towards common good, ensure public health; promote peace; battle against the virus of inequality and climate change; care for the poor and provisions for livelihood. Beloved, Peace is not a one man’s business but everybody’s business. If there is no peace, all we have and labour for will be torn into pieces. If we desire peace we can achieve it; but if we disregard peace we shall live to regret it.

5. Lastly, this New Year offers us another opportunity to express sincere faith, love and charity in other to make the world a better place and gain salvation for our souls. No doubt there are anxieties; but remain steadfast and hopeful; exercise your political right in the right manner; say no to violence and resist evil deeds. Renounce pseudo-Christianity; neo-paganism; syncretism and idolatry that are prevalent in our time. Resolve to be good, holy and true with a firm purpose of amendment. 


Delivered on the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (1/1/2023)

Study: Numbers 6:22-27; Psalm 64; Galatians 4:4-7; Luke 2:16-21 

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai

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