Isaiah 49:3, 5-6/Cor. 1:1-3/John 1:29-34


Todays’ Gospel reading presents us with “Jesus the Lamb of God”. Jesus is called the Lamb of God in John 1:29 and John 1:36. Every name of Jesus in the Bible gives a clearer and a fuller understanding of who Jesus is. To call Jesus the Lamb of God means that he is the perfect and ultimate sacrifice for sin. Lamb also means servant. Jesus is the Servant of God. 

In the Old Testament the people were already used to sacrificing lambs for the forgiveness of sins; they were also used to the words of the prophets Jeremiah and Isaiah “…like a lamb he was led to the slaughter” (Jer.11:19 & Isaiah 53:7). So the Jews who heard John pointing to Jesus as the Lamb of God instantly had a clearer understanding of Jesus and his mission. 

Jesus is the lamb that replaces the Paschal Lamb (Mark 14:12). The Paschal lamb is the lamb sacrificed at the first Passover, on the eve of the Exodus from Egypt (Exod.12:11-13). Moreso, in Exod.29:38-42 every morning and evening, a lamb was sacrificed in the temple for the sins of the people. The time of Jesus’ death on the cross corresponds to the time the evening sacrifice was being made in the temple. Therefore, Jesus Christ is the perfect sacrifice God provided as atonement for the sins of His people. 

Beloved, Animal sacrifices have stopped with Jesus Christ. In Heb7:27 Jesus Christ was the ultimate sacrificial substitute once for all time. Any offering of animal sacrifice therefore, becomes a sin. Some of us even though we have come to know this truth we still go about offering sacrifices; killing goats and fowls in shrines, rivers and junctions. 


The gospel tells us that John the Baptist referred the people to the Lamb of God. He was a true witness. As Christians witnessing is our primary business. There are two types of witnesses. True witness and false witness. Whatever you do, you are either bearing a true witness or a false witness. This also includes; dressing, decency and modesty.

The First reading explains this further, it tells us that Israel’s new mission is to be the light of the nations, so that God’s salvation may reach the ends of the earth. What is your new mission after your baptism? Have you been a light to your neighbours? Our behaviour is often responsible for the belief and unbelief that is expressed today. Being a true witness is the only ticket we have on earth to be relevant in heaven. Let us resolve today to do the will of God. “See I have come Lord to do your will.” (Response to Psalm). 


Almighty ever-living God, who govern all things, both in heaven and on earth, mercifully hear the pleading of your people and bestow your peace on our times. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai 

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