The first reading (Hebrews 5:1-10) speaks of the priesthood of Christ. Christ is the perfect high priest, he was called by God rather than opting for it himself. The priesthood is a call, it is not an honour that one takes upon himself. As priest, Christ prayed to God for strength and support. There is no magic for living a meaningful priestly life rather than prayer. Prayer is the Divine office of the priest. He prays even as he needs the prayers, support, charity and love of the people. He is human not a superman. Just yesterday we heard of the death of Fr. Isaac Achi, he was burnt alive in his parish rectory while his assistant Fr. Collins Omeh who sustained some gun shot wounds is currently going through treatment. They are both of the Diocese of Minna.
In the gospel (Mark 2:18-22) the Pharisees gave an uncharitable judgment about the life of Jesus’ disciples; they were not fasting while the disciples of John were fasting. There are many uncharitable judgments about the life of many believers out there. Some of these have led to the attack and even death of some preachers. Let us help and not hinder. The lives of others are always open to scrutiny and examination from outside. Fasting is not a competition. Don’t fast because others are fasting, learn to be humble and be at peace with God. We must guard against uncharitable judgment about the lives of others. Jesus would measure our religiousness not in laws but in love.
Almighty Lord and God, protect us by your power through the course of this day. Even as you have enabled us to begin it, let our every thought, word and deed aim at doing what is pleasing in your sight. Through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Study: HEBREWS 5:1-10; PSALM 110; MARK 2:18-22
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai