Who do people say I am?

Genesis 9:1-13; in Psalm 101; Mark 8:27-33 Mark 8:27-33

“Who do people say I am?” Jesus asked his disciples this question. People easily have opinions about public figures; positive or negative; objective or subjective (bias). In the case of Jesus his disciples told him only the positive and subjective truth about him: Elijah, Jeremiah, John the Baptist or one of the prophets.

Whereas the negative opinions were; drunkard, a glutton, a friend of sinners, Beelzebul and the likes. People will always have negative impression about you; even though you are an angel. 

However, Peter spoke up objectively saying; “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” To discover Christ is not a function of flesh and blood but Divine illumination. Be open to Divine illumination and your thoughts shall be guided. Through such inspiration we are free from bias, prejudice and subjective truth. 

Lastly, in the first reading God makes a covenant with man and with all of creation. “Never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth”. However, when things again become similar to the days of Noah (Matthew 24:37), God will destroy the earth – but by fire, not by flood (2 Peter 3:1-7). Therefore, let us be guided in our actions. 

Let us pray 

Lord God, true Light and Creator of light,

grant that faithfully pondering on all that is holy, we may ever live in the splendour of your presence. Amen.

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