Born of Water and the Spirit
Acts 4:23-31; Psalm 2; John 3:1-8
Jesus said to Nicodemus “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God”(John 3:5). To be born of water is baptism; while to be born of the Spirit is confirmation. Beloved, from the statement of Jesus we can deduce that baptism is necessary for salvation. Are you in the Church yet not baptised? Kindly seek baptism.
Again, we need the Holy Spirit to be spiritually matured Christians. The disciples were baby Christians until the coming of the Holy Spirit. The first reading says that “When they had prayed, they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God with boldness.” The Holy Spirit makes us bold, strong Christians and soldiers of Jesus Christ. In Acts 19:2 Paul asked some disciples in Ephesus, saying; “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you became believers?” Afterwards, Paul placed his hands on them and the Holy Spirit came on them. You too need the Holy Spirit. And if you have been baptized and have received the Holy Spirit, kindly fan into flame the gift of God you have received.
Lord Jesus, thank you for the grace of baptism, draw many to this fount of life. By the Holy Spirit empower us to effectively evangelize your gospel. By that same Holy Spirit cause us to live triumphant life on earth and make us an embodiment of your testimony through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!