1. Holy Communion heals us. Jesus was broken for us so that we can be fixed by Him.

2. Holy Communion acts like the rising sun; it dispels darkness and brings light.

3. Holy Communion cleanses us from past sins and strengthens us against future sins.

4. Holy Communion fosters development and preserves spiritual life.

5. Holy communion energizes the body and eliminates weakness and exhaustion.

6. Holy Communion unites us more closely to Christ, one another and the heavenly hosts.

7. Holy Communion imparts actual graces and increases sanctifying grace in the soul.

8. Holy Communion is the proclamation of the Lord’s death and resurrection and His coming in glory. 

9. Holy Communion gives us strength to withstand temptations and grace to practice virtue – an antidote against the poison of sin. 

10. Holy Communion is the celebration of our union in Christ.


May the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ keep us safe for everlasting life. AMEN! 


Father Daniel

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