EPHESIANS 2:19-22; PSALM 117; JOHN 20:24-29

Today’s Gospel presents us with the high point of Thomas’ journey of faith. In time of religious and spiritual aberration the doubt of Thomas becomes a model of faith for modern Christians. Many Christians today are gullible and vulnerable. Therefore, there is need to insist by way of reason to understand our faith. Thomas insisted on touching the holes the nails made. Today we need such necessary doubt rather than believing every spirit. Faith does not stop us from seeking understanding. In fact, faith seeking understanding is regarded as one of the classical definitions of Theology.

Again, a lesson can be deduced from Thomas’ absence from the body of Christ. He was not there when Jesus first appeared to the disciples. Thomas sought loneliness rather than togetherness. Some of us are seeking loneliness already; some have left the Church because their expectations were not met. Beloved, don’t give up, there is power and joy in being together! Jesus says “where two or three are gathered, I am there in their midst.” 

Lastly, “Peace be with you”. Jesus appeared to his disciples and said to them “peace be with you.” Beloved in Christ, we need peace as a community and as an individual. Lack of peace is one of the major causes of high blood pressure today. The Church knows the importance of peace and so we greet “peace” in every liturgical celebration. On the family level; we need peace to overcome unforgiveness, malice, envy, hatred, lies, cheating and disunity 


Grant, almighty God, that we may glory in the Feast of the blessed Apostle Thomas, so that we may always be sustained by his intercession. Fill us with your life-giving grace through faith in your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.

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