EXODUS 14:5-18; PSALM – EXODUS 15:1-6; MATTHEW 12:38-42
Hardness of heart is the theme linking both readings today. In the first reading, the Hebrews forgot all the Lord has done for them, rather than trusting in God’s power to deliver them they murmured against God and Moses.
Similarly, in the gospel, despite the many miracles our Lord worked, the people demanded for more signs. They were searching for signs as a prove for Christ’s divinity. In the same vein, many Christians today are wandering about searching for signs and wonders and pastors are doing everything possible to satisfy this adulterous search.
On the contrary, Christ likens himself to Jonah who spent three days in the belly of the whale; which implies that the greatest sign for Christians is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is the basis of our faith. Therefore, searching for signs implies ingratitude, wickedness and hardness of heart. Seek Jesus not signs.
Almighty Father, have mercy and save us. Through your Son Jesus Christ, rescue your children from slavery to signs and wonders and by the power of the Holy Spirit help us to gain the wisdom of salvation. Amen.