LEVITICUS 25:1, 8-17; PSALM 67; MATTHEW 14:1-12
The Gospel presents us with the martyrdom of John the Baptist by Herod the Tetrarch to fulfill an imprudent promise. He made a rash promise perhaps under the influence of wine. We must be cautious about how we drink alcoholic beverages. Don’t drink before you speak, rather think before you speak. Many people have gotten into difficulties because of rash promises. The Greek Poet, Hesiod, once said; “observe due measure; moderation is best in all things”.
Again, his promise would have also been influenced by the dancing moves of Herodias’ daughter. She gave Herod and his guests a sensuous dance performance. A prostitute would normally have performed such erotic dance. It is very much possible that she was twerking before Herod. Today, our streets; online and on land are littered with sexually provocating dancing steps. We are reminded once again to avoid the occasions of sin.
Last but not least, the first reading presents us with the establishment of the Jubilee year. The Lord instructs that every fiftieth year is to be a special and a sacred time for the people to return to their clans and celebrate fertility. It serves as a reminder of God’s ownership of all existence and his role as the Lord of Creation. Like Herod, kingdoms will come and go, but God will always be in charge. Let’s strive to please God instead of men.
Father, have mercy and save us. Direct our steps in the ways of peace, prosperity and progress. Amen.
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai