Respected parents and guardians, schools are open again. Please talk to your children about the following subjects:
1. Academic goals: These are particular targets or objectives that children set for themselves in their academic endeavours. They can track their progress, concentrate their efforts, and stay inspired by using these goals. Encourage them to establish attainable academic goals and form a strong study habit.
2. Responsibility: Remind them to take good care of their personal items, such as their books, pens, and other school supplies.
3. Time Management: Help them comprehend the significance of efficiently managing their time; they shouldn’t waste their valuable time or play around with it.
4. Punctuality: This is a crucial component of responsible and courteous conduct in a learning environment. Being on time is important for efficient learning and stress relief.
5. Friendship and Bullying: Talk about the importance of establishing friends and how to respond to any possible bullying incidents.
6. Communication: Teach your children how to communicate clearly and to seek assistance when necessary, whether from parents or instructors. Assert an open and encouraging atmosphere by letting them know they can always come to you about their worries or experiences at school.
7. Respect and Manners: Emphasize the value of respecting your peers, teachers, and school regulations. Teach them respectable behaviour, and how to respect peers with different backgrounds, interests and abilities.
8. Problem-Solving: Talk about how to resolve problems or disagreements that may occur at school and the value of doing so. They will be able to think critically as a result of this. Over pampering can stifle their creativity and positivity.
9. Internet Safety: Depending on the situation, advise your children about the importance of maintaining their privacy online and reporting any problems to a parent or trusted instructor.
10.Healthy Habits: To ensure their physical and mental well-being, encourage a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and adequate rest. Encourage their participation in extracurricular activities and hobbies.
May our children be better than us. 🙏
Father Daniel Evbotokhai