Understanding the time
Romans 7:18–25; Psalm 118; Luke 12:54–59
Despite the Pharisees ability to predict the weather and other things, they were unable to read the most obvious signs about the Messiah that was right in front of them. Even though the Messiah is always among us, we too often fail to see the signs of the times and follow him wholeheartedly.
1 Chronicles 12:32 tells us that the children of Issachar had an understanding of the times and knew what Israel ought to do. Knowing the time can help us understand better how to live for Christ. That is, believers should know what they ought to do at a particular time. In Romans 13:11–14, Paul says, “Do this while keeping in mind the hour, for it is high time to awaken from sleep, for our salvation is now closer than when we first believed”. We need to wake up; the revival is now, and we should take advantage of the privileges of this generation to be closer to Christ.
In the first reading, St. Paul speaks of the struggle taking place within him—the struggle between living the Gospel values and living a carefree life, which so often leads to sin. We equally experience these struggles. However, when we decide to be holy, we ease our struggles a great deal. Without a firm decision, the struggles remain.
Let us pray
Oh Holy Spirit, direct our actions and bring our conduct under your divine influence. Help us to understand the time and give expression to Christ in all things. Amen.
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai