The days of Noah and Lot

Wisdom 13:1–9; Psalm 19; Luke 17:26–37

In Luke 17:26–37, Jesus speaks about the days of Noah and Lot. People were wicked during Noah’s day, which caused the flood. Similarly, the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were immoral throughout Lot’s time. These references teach us about the necessity of moral behavior, the penalties of unrepentant sin, and the need for spiritual vigilance.

Our day is more like Noah’s time because everyone seems to be oblivious to reality and virtually unmanageable. We are so distracted and incredibly uncontrollable, despite the gospel truth.

Today’s gospel reminds us that in the days of Noah, those who heeded the Lord’s voice were saved, while those who disobeyed perished. Where do we belong? Let’s give our ears and hearts to the voice of truth for the coming of the kingdom.

Let us not focus on possible signs of the coming of the kingdom; rather, let’s build fervent relationships with God through love and faith. Similarly, the first reading questions the deficiency in scientific knowledge. We shouldn’t be carried away by scientific aptitude but cultivate the right attitude towards God.

Let us pray

Lord Jesus, have mercy and hear us. Give us grace to overcome the evil days and wisdom to discern your presence in the world. Amen

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai

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