Mission amidst tension Hosea 14:2–10; Psalm 51; Matthew 10:16–23 Using the phrase “sheep among wolves,” Jesus describes the nature of the missionary task. He speaks of the hardship, violence, hatred, and tough situations that disciples must contend with. Nevertheless, Jesus assures us of his help and grace. In mission and even in other enterprises, moments […]
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Without charge Hosea 11:1-4, 8-9; Psalm 80; Matthew 10:7-15 In the Gospel, Jesus instructed his disciples, saying, “You received without charge; give without charge.” The same applies to us today. We must understand that the spiritual office we occupy is a function of grace. We must learn to serve without charge. Sadly enough, many men […]
True Labourers (Part 2) Hosea 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Psalm 105; Matthew 10:1–7 The gospel reading presents us with the appointment and mission of the twelve. These men were labourers in God’s ineyard. After their appointment, they were given instructions. These instructions are of great relevance for us today. Labourers or missionaries today must inculcate the […]
True Labourers Hosea 8:4–7, 11–13; Psalm 114; Matthew 9:32–38 The Pharisees said, ‘It is through the prince of devils that he casts out devils.’ Jesus was not distracted by this statement; rather, he remained steadfast and invited us all to be labourers in his vineyard. Are we distracted by present-day mockeries and ridicules? Are we […]
God’s love and care Hosea 2:16–18, 21–22; Psalm 145; Matthew 9:18–26 Hosea 2:16 says, “In that day, declares the Lord, you will call me’my husband’; you will no longer call me’my master.” This explains God’s relationship with his people, Israel. His relationship is one of undying love. On the basis of this love, the Lord […]
Prophets and honour Ezekiel 2:2–5; Ps. 123; 2 Corinthians 12:7–10; Mark 6:1-6 Today’s readings present us with the basic themes of “prophets and honor.” The question is: what does it mean to honour a prophet, and why do people dishonour a prophet? Mark 6:4 captures this question when Jesus says, “A prophet is not without […]
The question about fasting Amos 9:11–15; Psalm 85; Matthew 9:14–17 Jesus is questioned in the gospel by some of John the Baptist’s disciples about fasting. They questioned Jesus because they had anticipated that Christ’s disciples should be fasting like them. Fasting is not a competition; beyond fasting, there are other spiritual possibilities that are available […]
Pharisaic attitude Amos 8:4-6, 9-12; Psalm 118; Matthew 9:9-13 In Amos 8:4–12, God declares his punishment on those who trample the needy and do away with the poor of the land. The Lord says a spiritual famine will fall upon them for their sins. What is our attitude towards the poor? Many are denied their […]
Forgiveness and healing AMOS 7:10–17; PSALM 18; MATTHEW 9:1–8 In today’s first reading, King Jeroboam and Amaziah confronted Amos over his prophecies, but Amos replied that his words do not come from a group of prophets like Amaziah but directly from God. This implies that Amaziah’s prophecies are not from God. There are prophecies that […]
Christ heals and saves WISDOM 1:13–15, 2:23–24; PSALM 30; 2 Corinthians 8:7–9, 13–15; Mark 5:21–43 Mark 5:21–43 presents us with two different miracles that illustrate or emphasise Christ’s power over life and death. No situation is hopeless. Heb 6:19 says, “Do not lose hope, for it is the anchor of the soul.” Hope is not […]