Acts 13:26-33; Psalm 2; John 14:1-6 In the first reading, Paul preached that when they had Jesus put to death, they proved his authenticity and fulfilled the Scripture. Beloved, do not let your hearts be troubled; your crises are your growth classes. In the gospel, Jesus says “I go to prepare a place for you…” […]
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Acts 13:13-25; Psalm 88; John 13:16-20 The basic theme in our gospel passage today is “Service”. Washing the feet of the disciples Christ says service is the miracle for greatness. Beloved, the greatness of a man is not in the number of servants he has; but in the number of those he serves. Paul in […]
Acts 12:24-13:5; Psalm 66; John 12:44-50 In the first reading, through the Holy Spirit Paul and Barnabas were set apart, prayed over and sent for mission. At baptism, we have been set apart, not to fall apart but to make impart. The Church is a missionary Church. The greatness of the Church is not in […]
Acts 11:19-26; Psalm 86; John 10:22-30 The first reading says; it was in Antioch that the disciples were first called Christians. Simply because they behaved like Christ and bore testimony to his name. Our behaviour gives actual names to our identity and person. In the gospel, Jesus defines a Christian as one who hears his […]
Acts 11:1-18; Psalm 41; John 10:11-18 In the first reading Peter was criticised for associating with uncircumcised people. But Peter’s decision was guided by the Lord. In the gospel, Jesus says “I am the door of the sheep, whoever enters by me shall be saved”. Today, we are faced with many open doors, the truth […]
Acts 2:14, 36-41; Psalm 22; 1Peter 2:20-25; John 10:1-10 The basic theme in today’s readings is the Good Shepherd. And so, this Sunday is referred to as “Good Shepherd Sunday”. It is also the World Day of Prayer for Vocations; when we pray in a special way for vocations to the priesthood and religious life […]
Memorial of St Athanasius, Bishop & Doctor of the Church Acts 9:31-42; Psalm 115; John 6:60-69 In the first reading we noticed that the Church prevailed and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit multiplied. The Church will always prevail all odds: heresies and persecutions. In the gospel we at told that many had difficulties […]
Genesis 1:26-2:3 or Colossians 3:14-15, 17, 23-24; Psalm 89; Matthew 13:54-58 Today is the feast of St. Joseph the Worker. The basic theme in our readings today is work. In the first reading God’s work was recounted in the creation of man and woman. In the second reading, St. Paul calls us to be diligent […]
Acts 1:12-14, Luke 1:46-55 and John 2:1-11 Today’s gospel presents us with the wedding feast at Canna. Jesus’ presence confirms that marriage is an efficacious sign of Christ’s presence. Again, Mary’s intercession saved the couples from disgrace, for it is a thing of shame not to have wine in a wedding feast in Palestine. Lastly, […]
Memorial of St Catherine of Siena Acts 8:1-8, Ps.66, John 6:35-40 One basic theme in today’s first reading is persecution. Severe persecution came against the Church in Jerusalem. Persecution for Christians is not a possibility, it’s a promise, it’s not a maybe, it’s a surely! So, Jesus tells us in the gospel that Christianity is […]