There are two homilies here for our reflection. May you be blessed as you read. REVD. FR. PHILIPMARIO EKWELI In our first reading, Prophet Isaiah prophesied about a shoot coming forth from the stump of Jesse and a branch growing out of his roots. This prophecy points at Jesus who was from the Davidic lineage. […]
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The Catholic Mass is full of prayers that come from both the Old and New Testaments. MASSWhen Catholic bishops and popes over the centuries sought to further develop the celebration of the Mass, expanding it from its original form at the Last Supper, they tried to restrict themselves from inventing new prayers and instead, looked […]
There are two homilies here for our reflections today; may you be blessed as you read. REVD. FR. PHILIPMARIO EKWELI. The Prophets of olden days often make mention of the Messiah to come as the Saviour, not only of Israel but of all people. This prophecy is seen to be literally fulfilled in the person […]
Isaiah 2:1-5; Ps.122; Roman 13:11-14a; Matthew 24:37-44 There are three homilies here for the First Sunday of advent year may you be blessed as you reflect on God’s word. Rev. Fr. Thomas Oyode “Christ: the Dawn of Light and of Peace” As a new cycle of the liturgical year begins, we reassume our responsibility of […]
ROM. 10:9-18/ PS. 19:2-3,4-5. MATTHEW 4:18-22 There are three homilies here on today’s readings may you be blessed as you read (1) Fr. Evaristus Okeke Called to be Fishers of Men not Fishermen On this very last day of this liturgical year, we providentially celebrate the feast of St. Andrew, one of the apostles of […]
Fr. Dan Evbotokhai In Gal.6:7 the bible says God is not mocked whatever you sow you shall reap. As a youth whatever you sow, you shall reap. We live in a generation where many persons and most youth are not patient. Everybody seem to be in a hurry, everything is set on automatic. Therefore, “to […]
Fr. Dan Evbotokhai Nigeria our own great nation in tension To uphold the peace of this great nation On no occasion shall you be indifferent So work and act with utmost commitment The enemies are bracing their bows Terrorist are detonating their bombs Then like the eagle we soar on high In search for peace […]
Jesus says, “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much” (Luke 16:10). According to our Savior, little things can make a significant impact on the big picture. THE BIBLE ON LITTLE THINGS The Lord’s approval of […]
Daniel 6:11-27; Daniel 3; Luke 21:20-28 We have three different homilies on today’s reading we are can reflect using any of them. Fr. Dennis Adigwe The social media bill proposed by national Assembly is considered evil because it aims at stiffening our freedom of expression in a dictatorial manner.Daniel in our reading of today (Dan.6:11-27)faced […]
FR DAN EVBOTOKHAI Introduction Over the years hundreds of parishes transform and become vibrant in large part by simply following the small group model of the early Church. Reclaiming this model may be the single most important thing we can do to strengthen the Church today. This small group has been termed Basic Christian Communities. […]