Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai In recent years, Nigeria has experienced the establishment of churches on a daily basis. Does this suggest a rapid growth of the kingdom of God in Nigeria? Your guess is as good as mine. This exponential growth in churches may be attributed to economic hardship as well as the convenience of social […]
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BLESSED VIRGIN MARY: ROLE MODEL OF GOD’S CHILDREN. A TALK DELIVERED BY REV. FR. DANIEL EVBOTOKHAI ON THE OCCASION OF THE BLOCK ROSARY CONVENTION HELD AT ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC CHURCH, EWAN, AKOKO-EDO, EDO STATE(9/3/2024) The topic “Blessed Virgin Mary: The role model of God’s children” seeks to fosters the Marian spirituality. This spirituality refers to […]
*True Prayer* Hosea 5:15–6:6; Psalm 51; Luke 18:9–14 Through the mouth of Prophet Hosea, God says, “What I want is love, not sacrifice and holocausts.” God wants true love, not emotions and religiosity. Oftentimes, in the presence of God, we easily express emotions and assume holy and spiritual moods, but deep within us, there is […]
HARDEN NOT YOUR HEARTS JEREMIAH 7:23–28; PSALM 95; LUKE 11:14–23 The biblical phrase “Harden not your heart” is a timeless admonition against stubbornness and resistance to change. It reminds us to remain open and receptive to God’s guidance, wisdom, and promptings. It also calls us to repentance and transformation, genuine remorse, and confession. Jeremiah describes […]
Forgiveness Daniel 3:25, 34–43; PSALM 25; Matthew 18:21–35 The Psalmist prays, “Remember your mercy, Lord.” Beloved, if God must remember his mercy, we too must be merciful. Today’s gospel presents us with the fate of the unforgiving servant. Like the “Lord’s Prayer,” this narrative further illustrates the importance of forgiveness. As Christians, forgiveness is our […]
THE CLEANSING OF THE TEMPLE EXODUS 20:1–17; PSALM 19; 1 Corinthians 1:22–25; John 2:13–25 In the gospel reading, Jesus revolted against the desecration of the temple. He drove out all those who were defiling the temple. He said to them, “My house shall be a house of prayer, but you have made it a den […]
Return to God MICAH 7:14–15, 18–20; PSALM 103; LUKE 15:1-3, 11–32 Micah prays to the Lord, saying, “Have pity on us one more time” (Micah 7:19). God hears us and forgives us whenever we cry to him for mercy. He is the lovely father who never fails to welcome a repentant sinner. The gospel reading, […]
THE BAD TENANTS GENESIS 37:3-4, 12-13, 17-28; PSALM 105; MATTHEW 21:33-43, 45-46 “Let us kill him; then we shall see what becomes of his dreams” (Gen. 37:20). The first reading presents us with Joseph’s dream. His brothers hated him because of his dream, and so they devised evil against him and sold him into slavery. […]
LAZARUS AND THE RICH MAN (Heaven and Hell) Jeremiah 17:5–10; Psalm 1; Luke 16:19–31 Wealth should not make us indifferent to the plight and dignity of human life. The rich man in today’s gospel reading was condemned because, in his riches, he was indifferent to the situation of Lazarus—what Catechism would call sin of omission. […]
The Evil Plot JEREMIAH 18:18-20; PSALM 30; MATTHEW 20:17-28 “My enemies are digging a pit for me.” ‘Come on,’ they said, ‘let us concoct a plot against Jeremiah” (Jer. 18:18). The plot against Jeremiah prefigures the plot against Jesus. It also shows how the enemies plot evil against the children of God without offense. What […]