The fact that women are not ordained priests does not in any way suggest oppression. It does not mean that, in the eyes of the Catholic Church, men and women are not equal. So those of you who think that the church is not being fair to women have to read this write-up. Mind you, […]
Author Archives: admin
The Lamb of God 1 John 2:29–3:6, Ps. 98:1–3, John 1:29–34 Today’s gospel reading presents us with “Jesus the Lamb of God” (John 1:29 and John 1:36). Every name of Jesus in the Bible gives a clearer and fuller understanding of who Jesus is. To call Jesus the Lamb of God means that he is […]
HOLD FAST TO THE TRUTH: AVOID HERESIES 1 John 2:22–28; Psalm 98; John 1:19–28 “Beloved, who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist—he who denies the Father and the Son. Anyone who denies the Son does not have the Father. He who confesses the Son has […]
NEW YEAR MESSAGE Numbers 6:22–27; Psalm 64; Galatians 4:4–7; Luke 2:16–21 1. God instructs Moses to bless the people in his name (Numbers 6:22–27). Using his words on this first day of the year (2024), may the Lord bless you and keep you! The Lord will make his face shine upon you! The Lord will […]
TOWARDS A BETTER FAMILY LIFE Gen. 15:1-6; 21:1-3; Ps 105; HEB. 11:8-12.17-19; Luke 2:22-40 ******************************** Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai Today, the church celebrates the feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. The primary purpose of this feast is to pray for families and to model our families after the Holy Family. Providentially, this […]
Spiritual Growth 1 John 2:12–17; Psalm 96; Luke 2:36–40 Three stages of spiritual growth are mentioned in 1 John 2:12–13 (the first reading). They are: fathers, young men, and children. This sequence represents the development of spiritual understanding and faith over time. Therefore, let’s reflect on the different stages of our spiritual journey, prioritize a […]
Don’t go to confession because you want to receive Holy Communion. Do not go to confession, because it’s the end of the year. I know the law says, “Go to confession at least once a year.” I have had a lot of people come for confession this period—not bad, of course. Beyond going for ‘end […]
Love and Hatred for Fellow Believers 1 John 2:3–11; Psalm 96; Luke 2:22–35 Though seemingly contradictory, feelings of love and hatred toward fellow believers exist among Christians or in personal relationships. The Church emphasizes the importance of love, forgiveness, and reconciliation among Christians. Despite differences or conflicts, the Church encourages believers to strive for unity, […]
Holy innocents 1John 1:5-2:2; Psalm 124; Matthew 2:13-18 Today the church celebrates the memorial of the small children of the neighborhood of Bethlehem who were murdered by Herod while he was out for the infant Jesus. Herod wanted to kill the infant Jesus because he felt that his birth was a threat to his throne. […]
SAINT JOHN, APOSTLE, AND EVANGELIST 1 John 1:1-4, Ps. 97:1-2,5-6,11-12, John 20:2-8 John was frequently identified in the gospel as “the other disciple”, “the one that Jesus loved” and “John the Beloved.” He authored the Book of Apocalypse (Revelation), three Epistles, and the fourth gospel. Among the best in the New Testament are his statements […]