Envy and Hatred GENESIS 49:29-33, 50:15-26; PSALM 105; MATTHEW 10:24-38 In the first reading Joseph said to his brothers “God has turned the evil you planned into good”. The story of Joseph reflects the crisis in most families; envy, hatred, and devilish attack. Joseph was a just man and so the Lord delivered him. Psalm […]
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Reunion GENESIS 46:1-7, 28-30; PSALM 37; MATTHEW 10:16-23 The first reading presents us with Jacob’s reunion with Joseph. It was revealed to Jacob that his son Joseph is still alive! He is in fact a ruler in Egypt. Unable to trust them, Jacob was astounded. However, he was full of joy when he saw the […]
SPIRITUAL POWER IS FREE GENESIS 44:18-21, 23-29, 45:1-5; PSALM 105; MATTHEW 10:7-15 In the Gospel Jesus instructed the twelve saying “You received without charge: give without charge”. The same applies to us today. We must understand that the spiritual office we occupy is a product of grace not hard work. Therefore, we must dispense this […]
Labourers (Part 2) GENESIS 41:55-57, 42:5-7, 17-24; PSALM 33; MATTHEW 10:1-17 The Gospel reading presents us with the appointment and mission of the twelve. These men were labourers in God’s Vineyard. Yesterday we looked at some qualities of Christ’s labourers but today we shall focus on the instructions and our relationship with them. After their […]
Labourers GENESIS 32:23-33; PSALM 17; MATTHEW 9:32-38 The Pharisees said, ‘It is through the prince of devils that he casts out devils.’ Jesus was not distracted by this statement rather he remained steadfast and invited us all to be labourers in his vineyard. Are we distracted with the present day mockeries and ridicules? Are we […]
Healing and Restoration GENESIS 28:10-22; PSALM 91; MATTHEW 9:18-26 In the Gospel Jesus demonstrated the power to save and the power to heal. The woman with the issue of blood was healed after she suffered for twelve years. Jarius’ twelve years old daughter was restored to life. Beloved, God never abandoned his people. Sorrow may […]
HUMILITY AND REST Zechariah 9:9-10; Psalm 145; Romans 8:9, 11-13; Matthew 11:25-30 Rev. Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai Today’s readings present us with two basic themes – humility and rest. The first reading is a prophecy about the Lord’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The Lord entered Jerusalem in victory and in humility. How many victorious persons are […]
JESUS QUESTIONED ABOUT FASTING Genesis 27:1-5, 15-29; Psalm 134; Matthew 9:14-17 The first reading describes how Rebekah arranged for Jacob to receive the blessings that were customarily reserved for the first-born. Inadvertently, Isaac blesses Jacob rather than Esau, his firstborn son, after being duped by the disguise. Despite all, we are reminded that God’s ways […]
THE CALLING OF MATTHEW GENESIS 23:1-4, 19, 24:1-8, 62-67; PSALM 106; MATTHEW 9:9-13 Jesus says to Matthew “follow me” the same way he said to Peter and Andrew, “follow me” to James and John “Follow me”. To follow him is a call to discipleship – an office that requires sincerity, steadfastness, obedience and loyalty. What […]
FORGIVENESS AND HEALING GENESIS 22:1-19; PSALM 114; MATTHEW 9:1-8 In the Gospel, Jesus manifested the power of forgiveness and healing in the life of the paralytic. This stands to explain how the sacrament of penance equally brings about healing. In fact, the sacraments of penance and anointing of the sick are regarded as the sacrament […]