Tobit’s Cure TOBIT 11:5-17; PSALM 146; MARK 12:35-37 In the first reading Tobit gives praise to God for prayers answered. He praised God for the restoration of his sight. Tobias then applied the gall, and beginning from the corners of Tobit’s eyes, he peeled away the white film. 14 Tobit threw his arms around Tobias’ […]
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Mr. and Mrs.Tobias Tobit 6:10-11, 7:1, 9-14, 8:4-9; Psalm 128; Mark 12:28-34 The first reading is a combination of about three chapters of the book of Tobit. These chapters present us with the marriage of Tobias to Sarah. Sarah’s father warns Tobias of the fate of those who marry his daughter yet Tobias went ahead […]
TOBIT 3:1-11, 16-17; PSALM 25; MARK 12:18-27 The prayer of Tobit and Sarah In the first reading, Raphael was sent to bring remedy to the house of Tobit. Tobit and Sarah were depressed over the calamities that have befallen them. Tobit in his blindness offered prayers to God. Sarah who had been married seven times […]
Steadfastness TOBIT 2:9-14; PSALM 112; MARK 12:13-17 Tobit loses his sight due to a simple accident; yet every effort to restore him made the situation worse. Tobit 2:10 says “the more ointments they tried me with, the more the spots blinded me, and in the end I became blind altogether.” A simple mistake may aggravate […]
VIRTUOUS ACTS Tobit 1:3, 2:1-8; Psalm 111; Mark 12:1-12 In today’s passage, Tobit was set to enjoy a feast, but he sent his son out to get those who were hungry to partake in the feast. When the son returned, he reported that one of their people had been murdered and dumped in the marketplace. […]
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai THE TRINITY AND BASIC LESSONS Exodus 34:4-6, 8-9; Psalm – Daniel 3; 2 Corinthians 13:11-13; John 3:16-18 The Feast of the Most Holy Trinity is a celebration of a vital aspect of our faith that was gradually revealed to us. The readings today help us enter into this sacred mystery of our faith. While […]
Wisdom Sirach 51:12-20; PSALM 19; MARK 11:27-33 The first reading invites us to seek wisdom. Wisdom is defined as knowledge, and the capacity to make due use of it. Wisdom is a capacity of the mind that allows us to understand life from God’s perspective. Through wisdom a man is able to distinguish between right […]
FRUITFULNESS Sirach 44:1, 9-13; PSALM 150; MARK 11:11-26 In the first reading, we are urged to honor great men. Our predecessors who have done good things and communicated same to their descendants. Sirach 44:7-9 says “all these were honored in their generations, and were the glory of their times. There are some of them who […]
JUSTIN THE MARTYR (MEMORIAL) OPEN OUR EYES ECCL.42:15-25; PSALM 33; MARK 10:46-52 “The work of the Lord is full of his glory”. With these words Ben Sirach the Writer of the first reading presents a song of praise to God for the beautiful works of creation. Similarly, the Psalmist says “Give thanks to the Lord […]
WE DON’T VISIT OURSELVES (Visitation of Mary 31/5/2023) Zephaniah 3:14-18/ Psalm, Is. 12, Luke 1:39-56 We are brothers and sisters yet we don’t visit ourselves, even to call is a problem. We are in the same Church yet we only visit when there is a bad news of death. Some dont even visit even when […]