Category Archives: Know Your Faith
On Holy Thursday there are two Masses: the Chrism Mass and the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. The Chrism Mass is the manifestation of the Priests’ communion with their Bishop. Every priest is expected to participate in this celebration as it symbolises the unity between the bishop and priests. It also offers them an opportunity […]
Rev. Fr. Paul K. OREDIPE The Paschal Lamb refers to a lamb which the Israelites were commanded to eat with peculiar rites as a part of the Passover celebration. The Divine ordinance is first recorded in Exodus 12:3-11. The blood of the lamb must be sprinkled on the transom […]
Fr. Dan Evbotokhai In Gal.6:7 the bible says God is not mocked whatever you sow you shall reap. As a youth whatever you sow, you shall reap. We live in a generation where many persons and most youth are not patient. Everybody seem to be in a hurry, everything is set on automatic. Therefore, “to […]
“Don’t go to confession because you want to receive Holy Communion” Saturday’s confession is a common practice in many Catholic Churches. Many people go to confession so that they can receive Holy Communion on Sunday. Now listen to this; Avoid repeating sins. Repeating sins will result to ‘Obstinacy in sin’, one of the six sins […]
ETSESENAMHE ESHI TIMOTHY The Nigerian society is inundated with tales of internet fraudsters, popularly referred to in Nigeria as ‘Yahoo Boys.’ ‘Yahoo- Yahoo’ describes the trade of these fraudsters. It is gotten from one of the major tools- the Yahoo Mail- employed by the ‘yahoo Boys.’ It is alleged that about 55% of teenage boys […]
Mathew 13 :1-9 This gospel passage is an account of the Galileans who suffered misfortunes under the regime of Herod. Those he mingled their blood with sacrifices and those that the tower of Siloam collapsed upon. Jesus responded that their misfortune was not due to their more grievous sins but for the witnesses, an opportunity […]
Appolonia U. Nwachukwu Gen 35:1-15 Bethel in Hebrew, means “the house of God “. Symbolically, Bethel is any occasion of divine encounter that produces an uncommon transformation and relationship between God and man. Bethel is more of an experience than a physical location. It was Jacob’s experience in Luz that led him to rename the […]
Luke 11: 5-13 After Jesus taught His disciples to pray, He drew their attention to the need to be importunate in their prayers. Drawing insights from this, we too should imbibe the habit of praying above all manner of discouragements. The situations around us should not stop us because, doors are opened at our persistence. […]
TIMOTHY ESHI ESTENAMHE It is generally believed that Nigerians are stupendously religious. Perhaps, this is the reason Nigerians put God first in all that they do. Whether they are ontologically or cosmetically religious is another kettle of fish. However, the church ceremonies that usher Nigerians into every New Year nowadays are usually frenzy and […]