EZEKIEL 34:11-12, 15-17; PSALM 22; 1CORINTHIANS 15:20-26, 28; MATTHEW 25:31-46 There are four homily notes here; kindly scroll down the page. God bless you! ****************** Fr. Paul Oredipe: In the Loving Service of Christ the King Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai: Proclaiming His Kingship Fada Udochukwu Ibekwe: In what Sense is Christ the King? Fr. […]
Category Archives: Sunday Homily
Prov. 31:10-13.19-20. 30-31; Ps.128; 1Thess.5:1-6; Matt.25:14-30 There are three homily notes here; scroll down the page and be blessed. ******************* Fr. Paul Oredipe: Have no fear in using God’s gift Fr. Evaristus Okeke: A business oriented Christianity! Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai: Our Talents and our salvation. ******************* Fr. Paul Oredipe Have no fear in using […]
Wisdom 6:12-16; Psalm 63; 1Thessalonians 4:13-18; Matthew 25:1-13 We have three homily notes here; please scroll down the page. ***************** Fr. Paul Oredipe: Wisdom of life – Using time wisely Fr. Evaristus Okeke: Wisdom for Eternity! Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai: Preparation for Christ’s Second Coming ***************** Fr. Paul Oredipe: Wisdom of life – […]
Rev. 7:2-4, 9-14; Psalm 24; 1John 3:1-3; Matthew 5:1-12 We have four different homily notes here; kindly scroll down the page. God bless you and Happy New Month of November! You always give us feedback or make enquires through the Live Chat Button at the right hand side of this page. You can also subscribe by […]
Exodus 22:21-27; Ps. 18; 1Thess.1:5c-10; Matthew 22:34-40 We have four homily notes here; please scroll down the page and be blessed. Do have a lovely week ahead! ****************** Fr. Evaristus Okeke:Love is all-encompassing Fr. Udochukwu Ibekwe: The Mark of Christianity Fr. Paul Oredipe: Love of God and Neighbour as Yourself Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai: The Greatest […]
ISAIAH 2:1-5; PS. 98; 1TIM.2:1-8; MATTHEW 28:16-20 Fr. Evaristus Okeke: We are sent to One Another Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai: Whom shall I send? Fr. Paul Oredipe: “GIVE TO GOD THE THINGS THAT ARE GOD’S” (Mt. 22:21) Fr. Evaristus Okeke: We are sent to One Another The pattern with which Jesus evangelized during his earthly ministry […]
Isaiah 25:6-10; Psalm 23; Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20; Matthew 22:1-14 We have three homily notes here. Scroll down the page. Fr. Paul Oredipe: Everything is ready; Come to the Marriage Feast Fr. Evaristus Okeke: You are Invited: Come, but participate Actively Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai: God’s plan for salvation Fr. Paul Oredipe: EVERYTHING IS READY; COME […]
Isaiah 5:1-7; Ps. 80; Phil.4:6-9; Matthew 21:33-43 We have three sets of homily notes to choose from. Please scroll down the page. Fr. Evaristus Okeke: The Vineyard is the Lord’s Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai: Becoming Fruitful Tenants Fr. Paul Oredipe: What more from God Fr. Evaristus Okeke The Vineyard is the Lord’s One very […]
Ezekiel 18:25-28; Psalm 25; Philippians 2:1-11; Matthew 21:28-32 We have five sets of homily notes to choose from. Please scroll down the page for the desired one. Fr. Thomas Oyode : “The Christian Mission and the Danger of Sloth” Fr. Udochukwu Ibekwe : Hearing the Voice of the LOrd and Saying Yes. Fr. Evaristus […]
ISAIAH 55:6-9; PSALM 145; PHILIPPIANS 1:20-24, 27; MATTHEW 20:1-16 We have five sets of homily notes here. Please scroll down the page for the desired on Fr. Evaristus Okeke: Heaven alone is Enough Fr. Paul Oredipe: God is more than Just, He is Generous Fr Galadima Bitrus, OSA: The Justice of God Fr. Daniel […]