Sirach 27:30-28:7; Ps. 103; Rom.14:7-9; Matthew 18:21-35 **We thank God for the grace of a new week. It is good to begin our day with the Lord. Witnessline presents us with homilies from different Priests for our reflection and further insight on the Word of God. This Sunday we have five sets of homily notes. […]
Category Archives: Sunday Homily
Ezekiel 33:7-9/Psalms 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9/Romans 13:8-10/Gospel: Matthew 18:15-20 ******We have three sets of homily notes here. Please scroll down the page.****** Fr Galadima Bitrus, OSA TELLING THE TRUTH IN LOVE AND LOVING IN TRUTH In 2009, Pope Benedict XVI wrote an encyclical letter entitled, “Caritas in Veritate” (Love in Truth), in which he emphasized the […]
Jeremiah 20:7-9; Psalm 63; Romans 12:1-2; Matthew 16:21-27 There are four homily notes here. Please scroll down. God bless you! *************** Fr. Thomas Oyode “Christian Suffering and Christian Perfection” Today’s gospel may be seen as a turn of events in the very beautiful rapport that Peter had with Jesus in last Sunday’s celebration. The evangelist […]
Isaiah 22:19-23; Psalm 138; Romans 11:33-36; Matthew 16:13-20 We have three sets of homily notes to choose from. Please scroll down the page. ************************ Fr. Thomas Oyode: The Keys of the Kingdom Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai: The Identity of Christ and The Authority of His Church […]
Isaiah 56:1, 6-7; Psalm 65; Romans 11:13-15, 29-32; Matthew 15:21-28 We have three sets of homily notes to choose from. Please scroll down the page. ************************ Fr. Paul Oredipe : No ‘Reserved’ Seats in God’s Kingdom Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai: Salvation is for all Fr. Thomas Oyode: “The Lord has Prepared a Table for all Peoples” […]
1Kings 19:9, 11-13; Psalm 84; Romans 9:1-5; Matthew 14:22-33 We have three sets of homily notes here. Please scroll down the page. Fr. Thomas Oyode: “Do Not Be Afraid, It is I” Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai: Prayer and Power […]
ISAIAH 55:1-3; PSALM 145; ROMANS 8:35, 37-39; MATTHEW 14:13-21 **************************** We have four sets of homily notes here. Please scroll down the page. Fr. Thomas Oyode “God’s Compassionate Love Satisfies our Deepest Yearnings” Fr. Paul Oredipe: Divine Providence Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai: True Satisfaction Fr Galadima Bitrus, OSA“YOU GIVE THEM SOMETHING TO EAT” Hunger, Divine […]
1Kings 3:5, 7-12; Psalm 118; Romans 8:28-30; Matthew 13:44-52 We have three sets of homily notes here. Please scroll down the page …………………………….. Rev. Fr. Thomas Oyode: Wisdom Opens the Heart to the Way of the Kingdom This Sunday’s liturgy continues our reflection on the series of parables Jesus used to teach the crowd […]
Wisdom 12:13, 16-19; Psalm 86; Romans 8:26-27; Matthew 13:24-43 ********************************************** We have three sets of homily notes to choose from. Please scroll down the page. Rev. Fr. Galadima Bitrus, OSA: GOD, GREAT AND GRACIOUS Rev. Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai: KINGDOM GROWTH Rev. […]
ISAIAH 55:10-11/PSALMS 65:10, 11, 12-13, 14/ROMANS 8:18-23/ MATTHEW 13:1-23 We have three sets of homily notes to choose from. Please scroll down the page. ************************************ Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai: Four kinds of hearts and their spiritual results Fr. Paul K. Oredipe: Power of God’s Word Fr. Evaristus Okeke: Obstructions to Transformation ************************************** Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai: Four […]