JEREMIAH 11:18-20; PSALM 7; JOHN 7:40-53 “The Law does not allow us to pass judgement on a man without hearing him” (John 7:51). This statement was made because the Pharisees rejected Jesus without any real investigation. Today, many people and leaders are hated and rejected because of popular notion about them. The people who […]
Category Archives: Weekday Homily
2 SAMUEL 7:4-5, 12-14, 16; PSALM 88; ROMANS 4:13, 16-18, 22; MATTHEW 1:16, 18-21, 24 In the first reading God told David that his throne will stand secure forever. Psalm 89 reechoes “His dynasty shall last forever.” This promise was fulfilled in Jesus Christ as we have it in the Gospel reading. All that God […]
EXODUS 32:7-14; PSALM 106; JOHN 5:31-47 “You place your hopes on Moses but Moses will be your accuser. If you really believed him you would believe me too, since it was I that he was writing about.” Jesus made this statement to show that his listeners had a blind mentality. The miracles done never made […]
ISAIAH 49:8-15, PSALM 145, JOHN 5:17-30. Thus says the Lord: At the favourable time I will answer you, on the day of salvation I will help you. Isaiah speaks of God’s care and compassion. Let us not give up on God – He cares for us. We must learn to care for ourselves too. In […]
EZEKIEL 47:1-9, 12; PSALM 46; JOHN 5:1-3, 5-16 “Wherever the water flows, it will bring life and health.” Ezekiel tells us of the stream of water flowing from the Temple which gives life. The gospel tells us of the healing at the pool of Bethesda. Beloved, both instances point to the water of baptism which […]
HOSEA 5:15-6:6; PSALM 51; LUKE 18:9-14 Through the mouth of Prophet Hosea God says “What I want is love, not sacrifice and holocausts”. Beloved, God wants true love not emotions and religiosity. Often times in the presence of we easily express emotions and assume holy and spiritual mood but deep within us there is no […]
HOSEA 14:2-10; PSALM 81; MARK 12:28-34 “You are not far from the kingdom of God”. In the gospel Jesus answered the scribe on his question of the greatest commandment saying; Love is the greatest commandment. Thus, anyone who loves God above all things and his neighbour as himself is not far from the […]
JEREMIAH 7:23-28; PSALM 95; LUKE 11:14-23 “Here is the nation that will not listen to the voice of the Lord its God nor take correction.” Jeremiah says that they did not pay attention; they followed the dictates of their own evil hearts. It is a reminder to us not to harden our hearts. Similarly, today’s […]
DEUTERONOMY 4:1, 5-9; PSALM 148; MATTHEW 5:17-19 Moses said to the people: Keep these laws and observe them that you may have life and may enter and take possession of the land that the Lord the God of your fathers is giving you. In the gospel, Jesus tells us that he came to complete the laws […]
DANIEL 3:25, 34-43; PSALM 25; MATTHEW 18:21-35 “Let our sacrifice to you today be a contrite soul and humbled spirit”. Azariah stood in the heart of the fire, and prayed. Hope we can pray in the midst of crisis and suffering? Azariah spoke to God from within the furnace and asked God for mercy. Similarly, […]