Isaiah 6:1-8, Psalm 93 Matthew 10:24-33 The Gospel further prepares our minds on what it means to face persecution. Jesus says in the gospel, “do not be afraid”. Fear is one of the most popular weapons the enemy uses against the children of God. Fear can overwhelm us with a thick shadow of darkness, […]
Category Archives: Weekday Homily
Hosea 14:2-10; Psalm 51; Matthew 10:16-23 Hosea in the first reading told the people that if they listen and believe God’s words they will walk in righteous; but if they refuse then they will stumble and fall. One of the reasons many people fail, stumble and fall is refusal of instruction. Thus, as part of […]
Hosea 11:1-4, 8-9; Psalm 80; Matthew 10:7-15 In the first reading we are presented with God’s continued love for his people despite their sins. The secret is that God is not interested in the death of a sinner rather let him turn from his evil ways and live. On the other hand, the gospel of […]
Hosea 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Psalm 105; Matthew 10:1-7 In the gospel, Jesus sent out his disciples with the instruction to “proclaim the good news of the kingdom of heaven” (Matt.10:7). Jesus sent them on a mission of teaching, healing and restoration of the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Hosea in the first reading […]
Hosea 8:4-7, 11-13; Psalm 114; Matthew 9:32-38 Despite God’s love for his people, they continued to spurn him. Prophet Hosea recounts their sins and how they abused his altars and created false idols for themselves. Human heart is truly hard. The gospel further illustrates this hardness of heart in the words of the Pharisees when […]
Hosea 2:16-18, 21-22; Psalm 145; Matthew 9:18-26 In the first reading, the Lord was speaking through the mouth of the Prophet Hosea about his relationship with his people. On the basis of this love the Lord declared his intention to marry Israel for ever. Thus, he will never abandon his people. The gospel further illustrates […]
Amos 9:11-15; Psalm 85; Matthew 9:14-17 In the first reading the Lord says he will revive the fortunes of his people and re-establish the kingdom of David. This restoration or revival is available only for those who key into the redeeming grace that Christ has given through his death and resurrection. In the Gospel, John’s […]
Ephesians 2:19-22; Psalm 117; John 20:24-29 Today’s Gospel presents us with the high point of Thomas journey of faith. We have basic lessons from Thomas journey of faith. Firstly, the honest doubt of Thomas is a model of faith for modern Christians: modern Christians are gullible and so vulnerable. We must insist by way of […]
AMOS 7:10-17; PSALM 18; MATTHEW 9:1-8 In today’s first reading King Jeroboam and Amaziah confronted Amos over his prophecies but Amos replied that his words do not come from a group of prophets like Amaziah but directly from God. This implies that Amaziah prophecies are not from God. Beloved in Christ, it appears to me […]
AMOS 5:14-15, 21-24; PSALM 50; MATTHEW 8:28-34 In the first reading, Prophet Amos stated that God is most pleased with justice and integrity and not outward show of piety. Most times we devote ourselves to worship, adoration and prayers while we lack the basic characters of life. People fast, pray and worship with all beautiful […]