There are two homilies here for our reflections today; may you be blessed as you read. REVD. FR. PHILIPMARIO EKWELI. The Prophets of olden days often make mention of the Messiah to come as the Saviour, not only of Israel but of all people. This prophecy is seen to be literally fulfilled in the person […]
Category Archives: Weekday Homily
ROM. 10:9-18/ PS. 19:2-3,4-5. MATTHEW 4:18-22 There are three homilies here on today’s readings may you be blessed as you read (1) Fr. Evaristus Okeke Called to be Fishers of Men not Fishermen On this very last day of this liturgical year, we providentially celebrate the feast of St. Andrew, one of the apostles of […]
Daniel 5:1-6,13-14, 16-17,23-28; Daniel 3; Luke 21:12-19 Fr. Evaristus Okeke Holy things/persons must be treated Holy Yesterday we saw how King Nebuchadnezzar, after conquering Jerusalem, attempted to force it to reject the worship of God and embrace the worship of the Babylonian gods. The people of Jerusalem were God’s own people. By subjecting them to […]
Daniel 7:9-10,13-14 Ps.97; 2Pt.1:16-19; Luke 9:28b-36 You are the Light of the World No one who encounters God ever remains the same. This truth is uniquely shown in the transfiguration account from the gospel of Luke. Although the synoptic gospels contain this account of the transfiguration, only Luke situated it within the context of prayer. […]