Elijah on Mount Carmel 1 Kings 18:41–46; Ps. 65; Matt. 5:20–26 At the end of the drought, Elijah instructed Ahab to “go up, eat, and drink; for there is the sound of abundance of rain.” While he himself climbed to the top of Mount Carmel. As the rain was fast approaching, Elijah, through his servant, […]
Category Archives: Weekday Homily
Fulfilling the law 1 Kings 18:20–39; Psalm 16; Matthew 5:17–19 Jesus says, “I have not come to abolish the law and the prophets but to complete them.” This shows that Jesus was not a heretic or a blasphemer. He respected the history and tradition of the people, and he expressed its continuity. Beloved, these laws […]
ST. BARNABAS, APOSTLE Acts 11:21–26; 13:1-3; Psalm 98; Matthew 10:7–13 Barnabas is one of the least-known apostles. He played an essential role in the spread of the gospel, yet he is not as famous as Paul or as well-known as Peter. You don’t have to be famous to be effective in the Kingdom. For fame, […]
Attitude is everything 1 Kings 17:1-6, Psalm 121; Matthew 5:1–12 In the gospel, we have the beatitudes (Matt:1–12). The beatitudes are Christ’s commentaries on our attitude. They give us the perfect outline for authentic Christian life and salvation. They are a simple expression of the life and ministry of Jesus. They are not alien to […]
IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY ISAIAH 61:9–11; PSALM 1 Samuel 2:1–8; LUKE 2:41–51 Today we celebrate the memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. To be immaculate is to be pure. Mary’s heart is pure; for that reason, God found her worthy of divine habitation. The ‘pure in heart’ attracts divine presence and habitation; Matt. 5:8 […]
Sacred Heart Hosea 11:1-9, Psalm: Isaiah 12:2-6, Ephesians 3:8-19, John 19:31-37 The heart denotes a person’s center for physical, emotional, and moral activities. Basically, the heart connotes love or affection. Thus, the basic attitude of Jesus’ heart is one of unconditional love, not hatred. The sacred heart of Jesus is the symbol of the infinite […]
THE GREATEST COMMANDMENT 2 Timothy 2:8–15; Psalm 24; Mark 12:28–34 Love is the greatest commandment and one of the conditions for salvation. On account of love, Jesus said to the scribes in today’s gospel, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” Any Christian who cannot love is far from the kingdom of God. […]
Fan into Flame 2 Timothy 1:1-3, 6–12; Psalm 122; Mark 12:18–27 Paul, writing from prison, told Timothy to fan into flame the spirit he had received. This message is for all of us. We shall grow cold if we don’t fan into flame the spirit we have received. It was such an active spiritual life […]
Be Steadfast 2 Peter 3:11–15, 17–18; Psalm 90; Mark 12:13–17 In the Gospel, Jesus was asked about paying tax to Caesar. He told them that they should pay tax to Caesar because Caesar’s head is on the coin, but they must give to God what belongs to God. This reminds us of our religious and […]
Memorial: St. Charles Lwanga and his companions Good Tenants 2 Peter 1:2–7; Psalm 90; Mark 12:1–12 The parable of the tenants, in which the landlord’s son was killed and thrown out, is presented to us in the gospel. The vineyard (earth) is God’s property; we are all his tenants, and so we are to look […]