TRUE PRAYER HOSEA 5:15-6:6; PSALM 51; LUKE 18:9-14 Through the mouth of Prophet Hosea God says “What I want is love, not sacrifice and holocausts.” God wants true love not emotions and religiosity. Oftentimes, in the presence of God we easily express emotions and assume holy and spiritual moods but deep within us there is […]
Category Archives: Weekday Homily
BECOMING A TRUE MISSIONARY READINGS: I PETER 4:7B-11 / PS. 96:1-2A.2B-3.7-8A9-10AC / LK. 5:1-11 Luke’s story of Jesus calling the first disciples is unique among the synoptic Gospels. While Mark and Matthew speak of Jesus walking along the Sea of Galilee and abruptly calling Simon, Andrew, James, and John to follow him (Matt 4:18-22; […]
THE GREATEST COMMANDMENT HOSEA 14:2-10; PSALM 81; MARK 12:28-34 Love is the greatest commandment and one of the conditions for salvation. On account of love Jesus said to the scribes in today’s gospel, “you are not far from the kingdom of God”. Any Christian who cannot love, is far from the kingdom of God. ‘Love […]
“Harden not your hearts.” JEREMIAH 7:23-28; PSALM 95; LUKE 11:14-23 “Here is the nation that will not listen to the voice of the Lord its God nor take correction.” Jeremiah describes a people that disobeyed God’s commands but obeyed the desires of their own sinful hearts. This serves as a warning to us not to […]
Obey the Law DEUTERONOMY 4:1, 5-9; PSALM 148; MATTHEW 5:17-19 Moses said to the people: Keep these laws and observe them that you may have life and may enter and take possession of the land that the Lord the God of your fathers is giving you. Obedience to the law was to determine their fate. […]
Forgiveness DANIEL 3:25, 34-43; PSALM 25; MATTHEW 18:21-35 “Let our sacrifice to you today be a contrite soul and humbled spirit.” Azariah stood in the heart of the fire and prayed. Can we pray in the midst of crisis and suffering? Azariah spoke to God from within the furnace and asked God for mercy. […]
Over-familiarity 2KINGS 5:1-15; PSALM 42; LUKE 4:24-30 Over-familiarity is an adversary that targets our spiritual fervor, vitality and output. Over-familiarity makes us apathetic and careless when it comes to important issues. It causes us to be reckless with the connections and chances that would have greatly benefited us. It leaves us with a diminished sense […]
We Must Rise MICAH 7:14-15, 18-20; PSALM 103; LUKE 15:1-3, 11-32 Micah prays to the Lord saying “Have pity on us one more time”. Beloved, God hears and forgives us whenever we cry to him for mercy. He is the Lovely Father who never fails to welcome a repentant sinner. The gospel reading using the […]
GENESIS 37:3-4, 12-13, 17-28; PSALM 105; MATTHEW 21:33-43, 45-46 THE BAD TENANTS “Let us kill him: then we shall see what becomes of his dreams.” The first reading today presents us with the story of how Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. His brother rejected him and plotted evil against him. This again […]
THE RICH MAN AND LAZARUS Jeremiah 17:5-10; Psalm 1; Luke 16:19-31 Wealth should not make us indifferent to the plight and dignity of the human life. The rich man in today’s gospel reading was condemned because in his riches he was indifferent to the situation of Lazarus; what Catechism would call sin of omission. Wealth […]