Memorial of St Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr Harvesting the earth Rev. 14:14-19; Psalm 96; Luke 21:5-11 Oftentimes, end-time messages breed anxieties among believers. Beloved, do not be anxious about the end of time rather make conscious effort to have perfect end. Prepare and pray for a holy death; refrain from being distracted by gurus and […]
Category Archives: Weekday Homily
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Revelation 14:1-3/Psalm 24/ Luke 21:1-4 The widow’s mite is a model for the poor and the rich. She offered just two mites and it was recognized as the best offering. God does not look at the offering; He looks at the heart. Oftentimes, we begrudge our gifts. This widow’s […]
God of the living. Rev. 11:4-12; Psalm 143; Luke 20:27-40 In Rev. 11:4-12 God preserved his devoted witnesses during the period of treading down to attest to the veracity of his word and worship as well as the excellence of his methods. The two men John mentions as witnesses for God—one who brings famine and […]
THE BITTER TRUTH Apocalypse 10:8-11; Psalm 119; Luke 19:45-48 Many companies are producing bitters, liqueurs and spirits for cocktails and most recent of them all is the Odogwu bitters. Most persons enjoy consuming these bitters but are never ready to listen to the bitter truth of life that we shall pass away, and we don’t know […]
Rev. 5:1-10; PSALM 150; LUKE 19:41-44 The first reading presents us with the Scroll and the Lamb (Rev. 5:1-10). Who can open the Scroll? It was necessary to identify a suitable person to remove the word’s seals, crack it, and investigate it. The angels of Heaven and the ancient prophets had wished to examine the […]
USE YOUR GIFTS Apocalypse 4:1-11; Psalm 150; Luke 19:11-28 “Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come.” The first reading discusses God’s majesty and the adoration given to him by the heavenly host. The four living creatures serve as a representation of the four Evangelists, and the visuals […]
Rev. 3:1-6, 14-22; PSALM 14; LUKE 19:1-10 According to the Gospel, Jesus’ goal is to find and save the lost. Even though Zacchaeus was lost, he made himself findable by climbing a tree. Again, despite the crowd he made every effort to see Jesus. When we sincerely strive to see Jesus, Jesus shall locate us. […]
THE BLIND MAN OF JERICHO In Luke 18:35-43 a blind man had the faith to shout out to Jesus as he passed by; though those around him rebuked him, his need for Jesus was so deep that he yelled louder. His need was obvious but Jesus wanted him to ask by posing the question, “What […]
(Memorial of St. Josaphat) PRAY PERSISTENTLY 3 John 5-8; Psalm 1; Luke 18:1-8 The parable of the “dishonest” judge is used in today’s gospel to connect Jesus’ teaching on his impending return to earth with the significance of Christian prayer. If the poor widow who begged the unjust judge repeatedly for justice received it, then […]
THE DAYS OF NOAH 2 John 4-9; Psalm 118; Luke 17:26-37 Our day is more reminiscent of Noah’s time because everyone seems to be oblivious to the reality and virtually unmanageable. We are so distracted and incredibly uncontrollable despite the gospel truth. And so, today’s gospel reminds us that in the days of Noah, those […]