GALATIANS 3:7-14; PSALM 111; LUKE 11:15-26 Jesus says: “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters”. Gathering together with Jesus starts at baptism, fully realized in the reception of Holy Communion and maintained through the sacrament of reconciliation. Are you baptized? Do you receive Holy Communion? How […]
Category Archives: Weekday Homily
PERSISTENCE IN PRAYER GALATIANS 3:1-5; PSALM –LUKE 1; LUKE 11:5-13 Two excellent examples of persistent asking are found in Luke: the story of the widow and the unjust judge (Luke 18:1–8) and the narrative of a friend at night. Jesus stresses the value of praying and requesting what we need. We are the Lord’s friends, […]
Galatians 2:1-2, 7-14; Psalm 117; Luke 11:1-14 “Lord teach us to pray”. Jesus gave us the “Our Father” prayer in response to the request from the disciples. What a lovely request to Jesus: “Lord, teach us to pray.” Who taught you to pray? Have you ever taught someone to pray, possibly a child? We got […]
Galatians 1:13-24; Psalm 139; Luke 10:38-42 The Gospel reading presents us with one of the encounters Jesus had with Martha and Mary. While Jesus was in their house Martha was distracted with much serving and Mary was attentive to him. “Mary has chosen the good portion, which shall not be taken away from her”, Jesus […]
HELP NOT HINDER GALATIANS 1:6-12; PSALM 111; LUKE 10:25-37 Reflecting on the Parable of the Good Samaritan Pope Francis says “The priest and the Levite see but ignore; they look but they do not offer to help. Yet there is no true worship if it is not translated into service to neighbour. Let us never […]
SOLEMNITY OF OUR LADY QUEEN AND PATRONESS OF NIGERIA (1/10/2022) Isaiah 11:1-10; Ps. 72, Eph. 2:13-22, Matt.2:13-15, 19-23 Nigeria at 62. The journey thus far has been very tough and rough! The road is still zigzagged into the future as the termites continue to torture from the roof. Angels have been sent through various policies […]
STOP MAKING EXCUSES JOB 9:1-16; PSALM 88; LUKE 9:57-62 Luke 9:57-62 presents us with the “Cost of Discipleship”. Jesus sets out on his final journey to Jerusalem; he was determined to finish the race. During this journey he three aspirants who said to him “I will follow you” but with different excuses. One said; “Lord, […]
Job 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23; Psalm 88; Luke 9:51-56 Luke 9:51-56 demonstrates the animosity that existed between Jews and Samaritans at the time of Jesus. The Lord’s approach, however, is very different from the disciples’ approach. When the disciples were rejected by the Samaritan community, they were incensed and sought retaliation. Jesus answered no. What makes […]
Job 1:6-22; Psalm 17; Luke 9:46-50 The first reading presents us with Job’s affliction. He stands for individuals who diligently serve God even while going through trials and tribulations in their lives. Job went through his crisis with the mindset of praise; he refused to say or acts in contrary to God’s will. Thus, his […]
MY DEAR YOUTH Ecclesiastes 11:9-12, 8; Psalm 90; Luke 9:43-45 Enjoy life, but be aware that you will be judged. Live it up, especially while you’re still young. Enjoy your youth while it lasts. There are countless opportunities and possibilities. You have a lot of options for what to do with your life. You can […]