“Lord, to whom shall we go?” *ACTS 9:31-42; PSALM 116; JOHN 6:60-69* On behalf of the twelve Peter responded to the question of Jesus saying; “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68). Peter said this because some of the disciples were offended by Christ’s teaching and turned […]
Category Archives: Weekday Homily
ACTS 9:1-20; PSALM 117; JOHN 6:52-59 The first reading presents us with the conversion of Saul on the road to Damascus. This was a major U-turn in the life of Saul. It brought about the change of his name; change of heart; change of mission and change of character. Conversion must go beyond change of […]
1CORINTHIANS 15:1-8; PSALM 19; JOHN 14:6-14 The first reading speaks of the Lord’s appearance to James, then to all the Apostles and last of all, the Lord appeared to Paul. Beloved, the Lord’s appearance to his apostles doubles as a mandate for them to witness to him. Our encounter with Jesus must be reflected in […]
ACTS 6:8-15; PSALM 119; JOHN 6:22-29 In today’s first reading Stephen was arrested for preaching the Good News. While he was tried in the council, the bible says “his face appeared to them like the face of an angel” (Acts6:15). This means that Stephen was innocent. In the gospel, we see the people following Jesus […]
Acts 5:34-42; Psalm 27; John 6:1-15 “For if this plan or this undertaking is of men, it will fail; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them”. This statement was made by Gamaliel, a teacher of the law and one of the Pharisees at the council of the Apostles’ […]
ACTS 5:17-26; PSALM 34; JOHN 3:16-21 “The men you imprisoned are in the Temple, preaching to the people.” Peter and the other apostles were imprisoned because they were preaching about the risen Christ. Miraculously and astonishingly they were set free. No one can imprison the news about the risen Christ and no one can stop […]
ACTS 4:32-37; PSALM 92; JOHN 3:7-15 “The whole group of believers was united, heart and soul”. This statement underscores the practice of the early Christian Church. They worked together to build the body of Christ. None of their members was ever in want, as everything they owned was held in common. Today’s Christians have […]
1Peter 5:5-14; Psalm 88; Mark 16:15-20 “‘Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation. The one who believes and is baptized will be saved; but the one who does not believe will be condemned.” Jesus commanded his followers to go out and ‘proclaim the Good News to all […]
PROCLAIM THE GOOD NEWS Acts 4:13-21; Psalm 118; Mark 16:9-15 In today’s gospel reading, Jesus gave the great mandate “Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News.” Mary Magdalene did this (Mk16:10-11) and all the disciples were mandated as well (Mk16:15). Peter and John in the first reading boldly exercised this mandate. Peter […]
Acts 4:1-12; Psalm 118; John 21:1-14 Today’s readings present us with the theme of salvation. Acts of the Apostles reported that with an uncommon boldness Peter told the people that “The name of Jesus Christ is the only one by which we can be saved”. Beloved, there is no salvation in any other name; be […]