Zech. 2:1-5.10-11a, Ps. Jer. 31, Lk.9:43b-45. Jesus says “Let these words sink into your ears”. We must let the words of Jesus sink into our ears; it should take root in our lives and bring about authentic conversion and dedication. To let his words sink into our ears is to get his teaching, mission […]
Category Archives: Weekday Homily
Hagg.2:1-9, Ps.43, Lk.9: 18-22. In the Gospel, Jesus asked his disciples two questions; “who do people say I am?” And “Who do you say I am?” This event took place while Jesus and the Apostles were at prayer. In the first case, they gave Jesus revelations that came from flesh and blood. In the […]
EPHESIANS 4:1-7; PSALM 19; MATTHEW 9:9-13 The name Matthew means “gift of God”. Matthew’s call is certainly a gift of God to the Church. His call provoked immediate response and conversion that produced abundant harvest. Our vocation is a gift that should provoke similar result. The first reading speaks of the different gifts which […]
Ezra 1:1-6, Ps.126, Lk. 8:16-18. 1. Today we celebrate the memorial of St. Andrew Kim Taegon and companions; a group of 103 Korean Catholics who gave up their lives for Christ and the Church during the persecution of Christians in the 19th century. 2. The Responsorial Psalm says: ‘What great deeds the Lord has worked […]
I Tim. 6:13-16, Ps.100, Lk. 8:4-15. Like seeds the word of God is spread across the world. However, there are factors that determine positive growth. The quality of the soil determines the growth that will be actualized. Beloved, what kind of soil are we? How do we receive the word of God? Our modern world […]
1 Timothy 6:2c-12/Psalm 49/ Luke 8:1-3 “There were women with them who provided for them out of their means.” Today’s Gospel presents us with women who were part of Christ’s ministry. Some of these women witnessed to the episode on Mount Calvary, they were present at his burial and they saw the Risen Lord. […]
1 Timothy 4:12-16; Psalm 110; Luke 7:36-50 “Her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much.” A woman of ill-repute in the gospel received a new life. Jesus forgave her many sins because of the love and worship she expressed. She kissed the feet of Jesus; a sign that she regrets and rejects […]
I Timothy 3:14-16/ Psalm 111/John 19:25b-27 Today’s celebration recalls in a special way the sorrows Mary went through as the mother of Jesus Christ. Simeon predicted that Mary will suffer because of her Son. Do we have parents who are suffering because of their children? Kindly draw strength from Mary’s life. Mary’s suffering was not […]
Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 75; Philippians 2:6-11; John 3:13-17 The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross celebrates three historical events: (1.) The discovery of the True Cross by Saint Helena the mother of Emperor Constantine in 320 under the temple of Venus in Jerusalem. (2.) The dedication in 335 of the basilica and shrine […]
1 TIMOTHY 2:1-8; PSALM 28; LUKE 7:1-10 St. Paul says; “I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way.” Beloved, our leaders; whether spiritual or temporal […]