ACTS 13:26-33; PSALM 2; JOHN 14:1-6 Jesus said to Thomas “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life”. This is Jesus’ farewell speech. Farewell speech lets you say goodbye to your colleagues and publicly acknowledge their help, friendship and offer them words of encouragement to carry on irrespective of odds. In doing this, Jesus […]
Monthly Archives: April 2021
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai A cow was brought into our Church compound in the month of March in view of a celebration that was to be held. I looked at the Cow very closely and I wondered how this animal has become a political debate for politicians and a strategy for terrorists. As I was […]
ACTS 13:13-25/PSALM 89:2-3,21,22,25,27/ JOHN 13:16-20 “Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him” (John 13:16). Service is what makes a servant relevant. Jesus recounted severally in this gospel that he is one with the Father; because he came […]
ACTS 12:24-13:5; PSALM 67; JOHN 12:44-50 The first reading recounted Paul and Barnabas missionary work in Antioch and thereafter in Cyprus and southern Turkey. The word of God continued to spread and gained followers. We are the missionaries of our time. It is our primary duty to spread the word of God not solely to […]
ACTS 11:19-26; PSALM 87; JOHN 10:22-30 “It was at Antioch that the disciples were first called ‘Christians.’” Who will call us Christians today? The disciples were called Christians because their words and deeds were like Christ. Therefore, a Christian is someone whose behavior and heart reflects Jesus Christ. A Christian does the will of Jesus and keeps his […]
ACTS 11:1-18; PSALM 42; JOHN 10:1-10 Today’s gospel gives us a breakdown of the relationship between a shepherd and his sheep. It expresses the passionate care and love of a shepherd for his sheep. Jesus says “I am the door; if anyone enters by me, he will be saved, and he will go in and […]
Acts 4:8-12; Psalm 118; 1John 3:1-2; John 10:11-18 ********************************* There are four homily notes here; scroll down the page. You can equally press the red bell button at the left hand side of the page to subscribe so that you can always receive notification whenever there is an upload. Leave us with your comments and […]
ACTS 9:31-42; PSALM 116; JOHN 6:60-69 Filled with the Holy Spirit Peter went to places spreading the Good News of the Kingdom. Peter led many to Jesus through his preaching, healing and deliverance. Many lives were touched and the Church grew. Similarly, in the Gospel on behalf of the disciples Peter responded to the question […]
ACTS 9:1-20; PSALM 117; JOHN 6:52-59 The first reading presents us with the conversion of Saul on the road to Damascus. This was a major U-turn in the life of Saul. It brought about the change of his name; change of heart; change of mission and change of character. Conversion must go beyond change of […]
ACTS 8:26-40; PSALM 66; JOHN 6:44-51 “Philip baptizes a eunuch.” The first reading tells us of the work of Philip; preaching and baptizing. He explained the scripture to an Ethiopian official who was having difficulty understanding the Scriptures. Eventually the official accepted baptism. We too can lead others to Christ – the Giver of eternal […]