ACTS 16:22-34; PSALM 138; JOHN 16:5-11
Paul and Silas were praying and singing God’s praises, while the other prisoners listened. Suddenly there was an earthquake that shook the prison to its foundations. All the doors flew open and the chains fell from all the prisoners. Beloved, let us not underestimate the power of praise and worship. It tears the heavens open like cotton. It activates our consciousness of the Divine. It prompts conversion. The experience in the first reading today led the jailer to conversion. In the gospel, Jesus prepares his followers for the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is always with us but unless we undergo personal conversion we shall not experience the power of the Holy Spirit.
Grant, almighty and merciful God, that we may in truth receive a share in the Resurrection of Christ your Son and experience the powerful breakthrough of the Holy Spirit through Christ our Lord.