Honestly, if there’s anything that would give the devil candidates on the Last Day, then, it must be our superman outlook to things of religion. The attached video shows a pastor “prophesying” a winner in a game that was purely organised for fun. I find it very disturbing because in the first place, there […]
Monthly Archives: July 2021
EXODUS 2:1-15; PSALM 69; MATTHEW 11:20-24 Jesus says “It will not go as hard with Sodom on Judgement Day as with you.“ With these words Jesus lamented over Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum in the gospel. After all their spiritual experiences they remained faithless. Despite all the miracles they refused to amend their ways. Christians today […]
Exodus 1:8-14, 22: Psalm 123; Matthew 10:34-11 In the gospel Jesus gave us the criteria for worthy discipleship. Firstly, we must love Jesus more than, parents and children. He says “He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me […]
AMOS 7:12-15; PSALM 84; EPHESIANS 1:3-14; MARK 6:7-13 ********************************* There are three homily notes here; scroll down the page. You can equally press the red bell button at the left hand side of the page to subscribe so that you can always receive notification whenever there is an upload. Leave us with your comments and […]
GENESIS 49:29-33, 50:15-26; PSALM 105; MATTHEW 10:24-38 In the first reading Joseph said to his brothers “God has turned the evil you planned into good”. The story of Joseph reflects the crisis in most families; envy, hatred, and devilish attack. Joseph was a just man and so the Lord preserved him. Psalm 34:19 says “Many […]
GENESIS 46:1-7, 28-30; PSALM 37; MATTHEW 10:16-23 The readings today present us with two basic themes: Reunion and mission. Jacob was reunited with Joseph – a sign of our heavenly union with the Father; while Jesus gave further instruction for mission. Jesus told his disciples of the hardships that will come upon them. However, he […]
GENESIS 44:18-21, 23-29, 45:1-5; PSALM 105; MATTHEW 10:7-15 In the Gospel Jesus instructed the twelve saying “You received without charge: give without charge”. The same applies to us today. We must understand that the spiritual office we occupy is a product of grace not hard work. Therefore, we must dispense this grace without charges. Sadly […]
Parents-Teachers Association (PTA). Both parents and teachers help to bring up children so that they will be good people for themselves and the society. Most teachers are parents as well. Therefore, all parents are to provide the necessary food, clothing, shelter and medical care insofar as they are able. They are equally responsible for […]
GENESIS 41:55-57, 42:5-7, 17-24; PSALM 33; MATTHEW 10:1-17 The Gospel reading presents us with the appointment and mission of the twelve. The instructions given to them are of great relevance for us today regardless of environmental and cultural differences. Missionaries today must inculcate the spirit of detachment, dependence on God and courage in the face […]
GENESIS 32:23-33; PSALM 17; MATTHEW 9:32-38 The Pharisees said, ‘It is through the prince of devils that he casts out devils.’ Jesus was not distracted by this statement rather he remained steadfast and invited us all to be labourers in his vineyard. Are we distracted with the present day mockeries and ridicules? Are we true […]