This country get as e be. Even the Minister of Youth and Sports is not even a youth. What do you expect from Nigerian youths? What do you expect from Sports? Youth leaders in many communities are elderly people who obviously have reached their political menopause. Yet they won’t allow the younger ones to rise. We have many talents in this country that should be harmonized and lauded for the world to see. But here we are; “falling and laughing” Crate challenge na your mate?
Nelson Mandela says; “The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow”. Many youths continue to recount this maxim especially as they are faced with old-people leadership. Many have given up on this maxim simply because power and leadership positions seem to be in endless rotation among the old.
In this country; the youths are denied even that which is their very own. When shall our youths become the leaders of tomorrow? A superstar answered; ‘tomorrow’. Just like a signpost that reads “Beer is free tomorrow”. Youths are leaders of tomorrow. Inasmuch as the signpost remains there and the tomorrow remains tomorrow the free beer remains elusive.
Youths generally, are hustlers; if you don’t make use of their energy they will look for other suitable or pleasurable means to express their strengths. Little wonder the youth ‘negative exploits’ – Yahoo! If you have a youth in your enterprise engage that person; guide and direct his affairs and see the exploits that will be done.
Tomorrow you will see something new; I know I am a prophet but this is not a prophecy but a fact based on past experiences. There is always a new viral sensation online, and in the past few weeks; it is something called the “Crate challenge.” If you’re an avid internet user, you must have come across viral videos of the crate challenge on social media platforms like TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
The challenge involves stacking a series of crates to create a stairway, and attempting to climb up and down both sides without falling. The crates could be Milk, Star or Heineken crates. The challenge first appeared online in 2011 after Joy Riders TV posted a video on YouTube titled “Guy falls of 6 milk crates.” It went viral recently when it surfaced on Tiktok with a lot of persons posting it for fun and likes.
Challenges are good! But this viral one has some inherent health dangers. It is a dreadful, terrible, horrible and awful challenge. I have seen videos of some persons falling off the crates and sustaining some injuries in the process. This challenge endangers the ribs and rib cage; it endangers other bones of the body which are medically expensive to fix or which may subject a victim to lasting pains if not death. This is happening in a time when doctors are on strike. If they were not; would that have been a solution?
As if there is a remote button somewhere, many youths are taking up this challenge on a daily basis. Others are coming out to erect taller ones. Is there a reward system or health insurance for this? Whoever is holding the remote button of these our children; making them to trend at the detriment of their own lives should please release it.
I blend my voice with all those who have been kicking against this challenge; Nigerian youth; please don’t get involved in the challenge! Wisely enough; TikTok has announced the prohibition of this challenge because of the inherent dangers. Life has no spare; do not be reckless with your life! My ‘Crate challenge’ is to challenge you to be more creative and do other better things with your life!
Father Daniel