COLOSSIANS 3:12-17; PSALM 150; LUKE 6:27-38
“I say to you that listen, love your enemies” (Luke 6:27). As humans it is difficult to love our enemies; some people find it difficult to love their dearest and nearest let alone loving an enemy. Yet this is what Christianity entails. The gospel continues saying; “…do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you, … and as you wish that men would do to you do so to them.” Who can hold on to this practice? Who is he that is ready to do good to his haters? Luke 23:34 Jesus forgave his murderers. Beloved, Christianity is not a child’s play. True Christians must let go the age-longed convictions of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth; we must not make uncharitable judgment; we must have forgiving spirit and we must put retaliation aside.
In the face of present violence does this suggest cowardice? No! As a true Christian we have right to self-defense. The Church teaches that everyone has the right to defend his life against the attacks of an unjust aggressor. However, more injuries may not be inflicted on the assailant than is necessary to defeat his purpose. Therefore, one is not bound to preserve one’s own life at the expense of the assailant’s. How is this possible? St. Paul says in the first reading “be clothed in love.”
Lord God, give us the grace not to be shaken by the signs and distractions of this perilous times. Help us Lord to gainfully attain your eternal promises. Through the Holy Spirit may we come to possess the grace of patience and forgiveness. In our tendencies to be brutal at the slightest provocation, Jesus teach us to be compassionate as you are compassionate. Amen.