Appolonia U. Nwachukwu

Gen 35:1-15

Bethel in Hebrew, means “the house of God “. Symbolically, Bethel is any occasion of divine encounter that produces an uncommon transformation and relationship between God and man. Bethel is more of an experience than a physical location. It was Jacob’s experience in Luz that led him to rename the city. For Jacob, it was Bethel and in his dream world. It does happen in diverse places, occasions and styles for others. Such occasions could be:

* The Place of baptism where one was initiated into the household of God and holiness of life.

*Where and when you were slained by God’s word.

* When God intervened in your tough condition and you declared for Him.

*Place of one’s ordination.

*A dream where you had a revelational experience of God.

*When your attention was graciously drawn to the weight of His atoning sacrifice on the cross and you were broken etc.

These are memorable points in a man’s life where he obtains a life that is patterned after Christ and so, should not be forgotten in a hurry.

The major events that takes place in every Bethel experience among others include:

Rest : Jacob slept and rested from his worries at Bethel (Gen 28:10-11). It’s only in our own Bethel that we can find rest from worries. In the words of saint Augustin, ” our souls shall not find rest until we rest in God ” .

Revelation: God is ever present at Bethel to reveal His person to us. Jacob got his own revelation of God at Bethel as the God of Abraham and Isaac. He also got direction from God. Let us wait at Bethel to hear from God and stop being confused and hypnotized by ‘prophets ‘.

Change: At Bethel Jacob’s name and status were charged. His name was changed to Israel and his economic status upgraded. This was a poor man that defrauded his brother of his blessings but he got the right blessings from the source. This implies that one’s status as a sinner could be changed to a saint, should you locate your Bethel.

Worship: Jacob raised an altar of memorial unto God. This is an act of worship. There’s remembrance of God’s favour at Bethel. Ps 103 : 1 says ‘bless the Lord and never forget His benefits ‘ Also at Bethel, we offer the whole of our lives to God on the altar of love.

* Life’s decision: there were exchange of vows between God and Jacob which also resulted to a strong relationship. Bethel is usually a place of an irreversible decision to live for God and He is always waiting to reciprocate.

Fulfillment: Bethel was Jacob’s mission field that he should occupy. Fulfillment comes when you are exactly where God has placed you and not where you want to be. All in total submission to His will.

Holiness: Every idol and immorality where burried under the oak tree and non were found in Bethel. The consciousness of our individual Bethel experiences will definitely rid us of all manner of sinfulness.

Father, we acknowledge we have failed and strayed from you. As we meditate on this reflection, grant that we may obtain your mercy and be restored to your purpose for us. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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