1John 1:5-2:2; Psalm 124; Matthew 2:13-18
Today the Church celebrates the memorial of the small children of the neighborhood of Bethlehem who were murdered by Herod. Jesus was the main target of Herod but God prevailed. Herod wanted to kill the infant Jesus because he felt that his birth was a threat to his throne. So, he killed in order to secure his throne. Today people still kill in order to secure positions and offices. Again, many innocents are killed on a daily basis through abortion, lies, false accusations, insecurity and the likes. Where is our hope? St. John tells in the first reading to live as children of light – doing what is right and good. Lastly, on this special day we admit our sins and ask God for mercy for the injuries done to others through negligence and over ambition.
Holy children of God, you suffered death before you enjoyed the fullness of life, yet now you rest and reign with Christ in glory. Look down from heaven on our poor earth where children like you still suffer and die at the hands of those blinded by this world. Surround and protect the innocent and when our own poor efforts fail, comfort and console the parents whose loss we can hardly comprehend or imagine. We commend to your joyful company in heaven the souls of all dear children who have died. Help us to become like you, simple, pure and true! Teach us to accept love and blessings like you! Fill us with the joy and laughter of life to remind us that to such babies as you, the Kingdom of Heaven belongs. AMEN
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai