Galatians 5:1-6; Psalm 118; Luke 11:37-41 In the First reading, Paul says that to be saved is not based on external signs but faith. Faith is very necessary for salvation. Faith is a function of the spirit within you and not a function of your outward expressions. Jesus emphasized this when he addressed the Pharisees […]
Category Archives: Weekday Homily
Galatians 4:22-24, 26-27, 31-5:1; Psalm 113; Luke 11:29-32 “Something greater than Jonah is here!” Jesus is greater than Jonah. The people of Nineveh recognized the authority of Jonah and repented. Jesus’ generation should be able to do the same, given that Jesus is greater than Jonah. Again, the people in the gospel were asking Jesus […]
Galatians 3:22-29; Psalm 105; Luke 11:27 In the first reading, Paul says “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male or female; for all of you arenone in Christ Jesus” This statement was a revolution ; because before this time there was high level […]
GALATIANS 3:7-14; PSALM 111; LUKE 11:15-26 In our Gospel, Jesus says: “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters”. To gather with Christ means to enter into his paschal mystery; identify with his true and definitive vocation. Baptism is the beginning of this gathering and the Holy […]
GALATIANS 3:1-5; PSALM –LUKE 1; LUKE 11:5-13 Prayer demands practice and perseverance, courage and confidence. “Ask”, “seek” and “knock”. We may feel we have been knocking at the door of God for years yet no answer. We must realize that prayer is always heard by God, but not always answered as we might wish. […]
Acts 1:12-14; Psalm – Luke 1; Luke 1:26-38 Mary is at the centre of our readings today. In the first reading, the apostles gathered with Mary in prayer at the Upper Room in Jerusalem. The Psalm presents us with Mary’s beautiful prayer, the Magnificat, song of praise. The gospel presents us with the Annunciation narrative. […]
Galatians 1:13-24; Psalm 139; Luke 10:38-42 In the Gospel reading, Martha was distracted with much serving, many of us are anxious and troubled with many things that are really not needful. Mary listened to Jesus and got the better part. Service and attention are necessary keys in hospitality but the most essential key in hospitality […]
GALATIANS 1:6-12; PSALM 111; LUKE 10:25-37 In our Gospel we have the story of the Good Samaritan which illustrates for us that everyone – including our enemies – is our neighbour and so we should reach out to them in their need no matter how inconvenient that might be. Pope Francis, preaching on this reading, […]
Job 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Psalm 119; Luke 10:17-24 Job’s life is a clear demonstration of the fact that no condition is permanent. The first reading tells us that God rewards Job beyond his earlier fortunes. Thus, he became in happier man. Similarly, in the Gospel, Christ’s disciples came from their missionary work filled with joy […]
Job 38:1,12-21;40:3-5/ Ps. 139/ Luke 10:13-16 A guardian angel is an angel that is assigned to protect and guide a particular person, group or nation. Ps. 91:11 says “For he has given his angels charge over you, to keep you in all thy ways.” In Matt.18:10 Jesus says “Beware lest ye scandalize any of these […]